Smart QR code functionality

The Smart QR code enables you to program the behaviour and link all type of media to the Smart QR code. You can change the content anytime you like without changing the shape of the QR code. You can manage the Smart QR codes both using your mobile phone and using thewebsite. For the most things you can use your mobile phone. For advanced functionality like multiple dependencies or multiple media you can use the website.

The smart QR code has its own private video library where you can upload your content. You can add videos, photos, music, voice, mini web pages, forms, web links, telephone number, email adres, app store links, documents, e-pubs, downloads. Manage with our Smart QR code APP or website.

from a simple web link to more complex conditions as automatic reference to the correct app store, language, country, date, time, mobile device, password protected content. Or even content based on highly accurate geo positions. And all conditions can be combined.

Mobile APPWebsite
Tag content with mobile phonex
Country dependent contentx
Combine all dependency selectionsx
Phone language dependent contentx
Generating single Tag QR codes (gifts)x
Tag single Tag QR codexx
Multi location based contentxx
High precision location (GPS)xx
Private videoxx
Video and voice recordingxx
Phone numberxx
Social mediaxx
Make you own mobile pagesx
Password protected contentx
Time based contentx
Content dependent on mobile phonex
Share QR codexx
Design QR codexx
Media carousel (random content)x
Media carousel (sequential content)x
Multiple password protected contentx
High precision QR code scannerxx
Own media libraryxx
Generating dynamic QR codesxx
Default content selectionxx
Geo content selectionxx