APP marketing, best practice

App marketing, best practice

Many companies develop apps to make communication with their customers and target groups more efficient and easier. Somewhere in that process the question is asked how to get their app from the various appstores on the smartphone of their target group. This is easier with the Smart QR Code than we usually see. In this article we show you an example of APP marketing, best practice.

In addition to all promotional campaigns that you roll out to bring the app to attention, we have to make it as easy as possible for your potential customers to download the app.


Use the Smart QR Code for such an application. It automatically recognizes the Operating System of the smartphone with which the QR Code is scanned and then leads you directly to the correct page in the good app store.




From now on: one Smart QR Code that directly refers to the right page in the app store!

For more information, please contact us.