
Gift QR code

The “Gift QR code” is a special QR code. The first time you scan the QR code, you download the Smart QR code APP, after which you can add content such as videos or whatever you want to your QR code. And the only thing you need is this QR code and a mobile phone.

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Geocache QR code

Add your video Clue to a geocache QR sticker just using your mobile phone. Create a personal message for anyone who finds your Geocaching QR sticker. Place your own video, voice recording, documents or other content you like to add. And all you need is a sticker and a mobile phone.

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Gift QR code

The “Gift QR code” is a special QR code. The first time you scan the QR code, you download the Smart QR code APP, after which you can add content such as videos or whatever you want to your QR code. And the only thing you need is this QR code and a mobile phone.

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Gaming QR code

Lethal Codes is an alternate reality game, in which people are guided by clues to QR codes in the city. If you scan the QR code every time you get to see a part of the movie on your phone. You just need one singel geobased Smart QR code to play the game.  The object

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Green light for the QR code

GREEN light for the QR Code! In wintertime, with all that wretchedness of snow and sleet on the road, we now know that we should not take the road with code Red in, for example, the Netherlands. Fortunately for the QR Code it is now code Green: it is allowed to scan again. Like even!

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